grain storage
and processing
All grain products are grown and harvested in the North Kazakhstan region
Grain storage what is important
Not only the food security of the region, but also the success of grain supplies to domestic and foreign markets depends on properly organized storage. At all stages - from harvesting to transportation - it is important to maintain the conditions under which grain retains its nutritional and consumer properties.
Key factors in grain storage:
Grain moisture. Underestimating this parameter can lead to serious crop losses, reduced grain quality and, as a result, economic losses for producers. Each grain crop has its own optimum moisture level for storage. Methods of controlling humidity during storage are grain drying, ventilation, use of airtight silos.
Storage Temperature. Unlike humidity, temperature affects a whole range of biological and chemical processes, such as microbial activity, insect development and grain respiration rate. The optimum storage temperature depends on the type of grain and its purpose, but there is a general rule of thumb: the lower the temperature, the better the grain is stored.
Oxygen and ventilation. Grain, like any living organism, continues to breathe even after harvest. The breathing process is accompanied by oxygen absorption and the release of carbon dioxide, heat and moisture. Proper organization of ventilation system allows to maintain stable conditions in storages and minimize the risks associated with self-heating and mold development.
Regular control over the condition of storage facilities allows timely identification of problems that may lead to grain spoilage. An important element of control is monitoring the condition not only of grain crops, but also of the storage facility itself. Cracks in walls, roof damage or leaks can lead to moisture and pests.